NBP and TVHOC Foreclosure Prevention Education and Counseling

Preserving Homeownership Workshop
NBP and TVHOC offer a 2-hour workshop focusing on tools to prevent loan delinquency and foreclosure. The workshop covers current laws protecting homeowners adn the latest help and modification programs.
Contact us to attend
Preserving Home Ownership Counseling
Early delinquency and foreclosure prevention counseling.
Contact us for Counseling Services
Free Document Preparation
Document preparation for loss mitigation and loan modification is provided at no cost.
Contact us for Document Preparation Help
NBP and TVHOC Homeownership Program

Tri-Valley Down Payment Assistance Program
The City of Livermore and the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center announce the launch of the Tri-Valley Down Payment Assistance (TVDPA) Program for qualified First-Time Homebuyer applicants seeking to purchase a home in the Tri-Valley.
Read more or register here
Homebuyer Education Class
The four "B"s are essential tools for any homeowner or future homebuyer. Budgeting, Borrowing, Buying, & Beyond introduces you to the process that will ensure your successful transition from considering a home purchase to achieving the goal of home ownership. This course will help you learn simple, practical lessons to assure stable homeownership and stable communities for you and your children. You are the borrower of the future. Buy within your means and experience how empowering it can be when you understanding and controlling you finances can be.
Read more or register here
8-Hour Homebuyer
Education Class
This class emphasizes the importance of budgeting and planning for homeownership for prospective homebuyers. Students will learn: what questions to ask when interviewing real estate and mortgage professionals in order to identify those with strong ethics; how to calculate monthly gross and net income and state what they can safely afford for a monthly payment; state the approximate amounts needed for a down payment, closing costs, and reserves for purchase of a home and how to calculate the amount of savings needed every month for maintenance after purchasing a home.
Read more or register here
One-on-One Housing Counseling
Confused, not sure what direction to take? NBP and TVHOC provide one-on-one counseling for homebuyers and homeowners.
Contact us for an appointment
Further your education...financially
National Budget Planners also provides an intense online education course called "Money in Motion." This course is absolutely free to all of our clients. Learning is made fun while you follow each chapter, answer review questions and finish with the final test. Click here to begin your course to financial success.
NBP Financial Education
Courses to Further your
Financial Education
- Money in Motion
- Money & Faith in Motion
- Credit when Credit is Due There's no excuse not to start today,
each course is FREE!